HSSD is excited to announce a hybrid meeting, both in person and on Zoom, featuring our special guest speaker, Dr. Lonny Shavelson, founder and chair of the American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying ACAMAID. Dr. Shavelson has united providers of medical aid in dying from around the country. ACAMAiD also provides a patient-to-doctor referral system to connect eligible patients with doctors who participate in medical aid in dying.
In the second half of our program, HSSD founder and board member Faye Girsh will talk about the history of The Hemlock Society of San Diego, the growth of the organization over the years, and her work in the right-to-die movement. Join us to celebrate HSSD’s 35th Anniversary!
For those who wish to meet with us at Vision, we’ll be sharing a toast to HSSD’s 35th anniversary and the vital work that lies ahead of us in providing education on end-of-life options. If you prefer to join us from home on Zoom, you can receive the meeting link by registering in advance at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqde6trzkpG9G8MIIb9tF8dKaOaORTKBP0
Directions to Vision
This meeting is FREE and open to all. Please join us and invite your friends! In-person attendees are encouraged to wear a mask indoors. We thank each of you for your membership and support that has made this work possible for 35 years! Directions to Vision
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