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Stories about end-of-life issues, death with dignity, and the Right to Die movement

Hastening Death by Stopping Eating and Drinking: Hope Wechkin, Thaddeus Pope, & Josh Briscoe

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New Documentary: The Right to Die – Laura’s Final Journey to Switzerland

Laura, an 88-year-old woman, embarks on a final journey to Switzerland to take control of her own death. Through the eyes of her daughter and granddaughter, both filmmakers, this documentary…

Most Americans Don’t Know About Medical Aid in Dying Options

This is why we do what we do, and why your support of our educational programs matters. “Medical aid in dying (MAID for short) is legal in 10 states—including New Jersey—and…

The Last Decision by the World’s Leading Thinker on Decisions

Daniel Kahneman was one of the world’s most influential thinkers—a psychologist at Princeton University, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics and author of the international blockbuster “Thinking, Fast and Slow,”…

Fighting a Disease That Steals Your Life and Your Soul

Inside Edition published an insightful report on a woman suffering with Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) and what happens between dementia and death. Don’t miss the second part that begins after the…

Death ‘is not a medical process. It shouldn’t be made one’: Suicide pod stirs controversy among right-to-die proponents

The latest update in the controversial debate surrounding Dr. Philip Nitschke’s Sarco pod for Voluntary Assisted Dying. Dr. Nitschke is a world-renowned pioneer in the global Right to Die movement…

Tuscany becomes the first region to approve assisted suicide in Roman Catholic Italy

Tuscany approved a bill regulating medically assisted suicide Tuesday, becoming Italy’s first region to approve a right-to-die law in the Roman Catholic country after the constitutional court effectively legalized the…

Who chooses medically assisted death?

This is a data-based discussion of who chooses MAID, that addresses the arguments and dispels the myths against it. Last December, researchers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe published a study in JAMA…

CBS Evening News: A look at terminal patients turning to medical aid in dying

Derek Humphry obituary: Right to die advocate and Hemlock Society founder

Derek Humphry, founder of the National Hemlock Society in 1980, died January 2, 2025, at age 94. Without Derek’s publications, his attempts to change the law to allow aid in…