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Voluntary Assisted Dying Clinics in Switzerland

Clinics (Application forms are available on their websites.)

P.O. Box 17
8127 Forch
Telephone:   +41 43 366 10 70
Fax:   +41 43 366 10 79

Pegasos Swiss Association
Online contact:

Association Life Circle
Association lifecircle
Fichtlirain 16
4105 Biel-Benken

Personal Accounts 

We are sharing this comprehensive essay which so well details the problems of taking someone you love to Switerland for help in dying. Michelle did that for her mom and wrote about what she had to do to have her accepted at Dignitas.  Switzerland is the only country that accepts foreigners for help in dying but the law there is strict and involves a lot of paperwork — plus at least $10,000.  Michelle Kaptein Dignitas Story 2025

Christie, who is our board Secretary, also told the story of her mom’s VAD (Voluntary Assisted Dying) at the other Swiss organization we like to work with: Pegasos.  Click Here

Both women are willing to talk to people who might be considering either organization. These accounts highlight the need for an expanded law in the U.S. so that people with early dementia can achieve a peaceful death while they still have capacity without leaving the country, accumulating all the required documents, and going to the expense and exhaustion of a long trip. Call us at 619-233-4418, or email us at, and we will put you in touch with Michelle or Christie.

You’ll be interested in some of our past and future programs this year many of which have to do with Dementia. Please help us continue our programs to bring you information about your choices by sending a generous donation, including Hemlock Society of San Diego in your estate plans, joining our organization or renewing your membership, and attending our monthly meetings.

–Faye Girsh, Founder and President of the Hemlock Society of San Diego


Dignitas and LifeCircle  require that you send them your medical records. The process from application to acceptance can take 3-4 months. To travel to Switzerland for an assisted death ends up costing approximately $10,000 when you take into account travel costs.

Other Information

View our 30th Anniversary conference (2017) presentation on LifeCircle and Dignitas.

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