May 16, 2021
An international panel of experts leads a discussion on the complex right-to-die issues facing patients diagnosed with dementia and answers questions from the audience.
Kelly Bone was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 57. Having watched her mother suffer and succumb to Alzheimer’s, she is determined to end her life with dignity on her own terms. Kelly lives in Florida and is devoted to ending Alzheimer’s disease and expanding U.S. laws on medical aid in dying to include patients with dementia. In all states where MAID is legal, patients are required to have full mental capacity.. Kelly speaks openly and powerfully about Alzheimer’s disease and has given many interviews as a courageous advocate for reform. You can read more about Kelly Bone on her blog:
Dr. Stefanie Green will join us from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, where she devotes the majority of her clinical practice to medical aid in dying. Dr. Green is the co-founder and current President of the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP). She is also the medical advisor to the BC Ministry of Health MAiD oversight committee and moderator of CAMAP’s national online forum. Learn more about Dr. Stefanie Green and her work here:
Dr. Rob Jonquiere, who lives in the Netherlands, is a former general practitioner and CEO of the Dutch Right to Die Society the NVVE. He was CEO of the NVVE when the Dutch Law on Euthanasia came into force. Dr. Jonquiere has served as the Executive Director of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies since January 2009.