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Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD), also known as death with dignity, assisted dying, physician-assisted dying (PAD),  assisted suicide, is supported by 76% of Americans, according to a Gallup poll.

To find a MAID physician near you, contact the American Clinician’s Academy of Aid in Dying Medicine:
American Academy of Aid in Dying Medicine

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Tuscany becomes the first region to approve assisted suicide in Roman Catholic Italy

Tuscany approved a bill regulating medically assisted suicide Tuesday, becoming Italy’s first region to approve a right-to-die law in the Roman Catholic country after the constitutional court effectively legalized the…

CBS Evening News: A look at terminal patients turning to medical aid in dying

California’s Assisted Suicide Debate Deepens: Senator Pushes for Dementia Inclusion

California State Senator Catherine Blakespear is reigniting the debate over assisted suicide by seeking to expand the state’s End of Life Option Act (EOLOA). The 2016 law, which allows terminally…

Delaware Governor Carney vetoes Medical-Aid-in-Dying legislation

Governor John Carney Friday vetoed legislation that would have allowed people with a terminal illness who are able to make sound decisions for themselves to get access to medication that…

Citizens’ jury in England backs assisted dying for terminally ill

A citizens’ jury has overwhelmingly backed the legalisation of assisted dying for terminally ill people after hearing from experts over a period of eight weeks. Twenty out of 28 jurors based…

Euthanasia in India: An Overview

Euthanasia in the simplest sense involves intentionally ending a person’s life to relieve ongoing suffering such as suffering from an irrecoverable or an incurable state of being and is a…

Report recommends Australia’s Northern Territories government legalize voluntary assisted dying, after months of consultation

A report into the development of voluntary assisted dying laws in the Northern Territory has recommended the government legalise the practice in line with other Australian jurisdictions. Released on Wednesday,…

France to open debate on legalizing assisted suicide

French President Emmanuel Macron on July 23, 2024 announced a national debate on end-of-life options that will include exploring the possibility of legalizing assisted suicide. A 2016 French law provides…

Vatican publishes ‘lexicon’ on end-of-life issues

The Pontifical Academy for Life released a new booklet to aid in the public debate on end-of-life issues. The booklet, published only in Italian July 2, offers clear definitions and…

UK mother admits ending life of terminally ill son 41 years ago

A mother has admitted giving her terminally ill seven-year-old son a large dose of morphine to stop his suffering and “quietly end his life”. Antonya Cooper, from Abingdon, Oxfordshire, said…