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State Right-to-Die Statutes
Death with Dignity is a national leader in end-of-life advocacy and policy reform. Their website provides an interactive map of the U.S. with current information on their RTD laws and the status of pending legislation. Click Here for State Statues
Unfortunately, as of 10/3/23 North Carolina does not have a Medical
Aid in Dying (MAiD) law. If you’d like to support having a MAiD law
in North Carolina, you can sign up here:
Your options are:
-Refusal of curative medical treatment and insistence on “comfort care
only” (palliative care).
-Hospice (which is the same as the above, but you must be terminally
ill with six month or less to live). Hospice benefit is paid by
-North Carolina has Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST)
Forms. These forms are not valid unless signed by your doctor and
you. These medical order forms should be (but sometimes are not)
followed by medical professionals.
You can designate Do Not Resuscitate, limited interventions or comfort
care only. See this North Carolina MOST explanation:
A sample form is here:
-You should additionally have an Advance Directive naming a person to
speak for you (agent or proxy) should you become incapacitated. That
person should have a thorough understanding of your end-of-life wishes
and be willing to carry out your wishes even if they do not agree with
them. A good agent is someone who has the skill to be a strong
advocate for your wishes, sometimes in the face of pressure from
authority figures. Family members are not always the best choice.
You may also want a supplemental directive for dementia to add to your
directive. These dementia supplements have not yet been tested in a
court of law.
-Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking. You will die by
dehydration. This is a legal option throughout the U.S.
One dies by dehydration, not starvation.
Some hospices will support this option. You will certainly need
24-hour care with this option. Comfort drugs are highly recommended.
-Travel to a state that permits MAiD, gain residency and request MAiD.
Currently only 2 states allow this: Oregon and Vermont. For every
U.S. state that has a MAiD law you must be diagnosed with a terminal
illness with 6 month or less to live ( two doctors must certify), be
mentally competent, and be 18 years or older.
-Final Exit Network (FEN). FEN will provide free, in-person education
on achieving a peaceful death for those who qualify. A terminal
condition is not required, but intolerable medical circumstances are
One must be mentally competent, submit their medical records and be
approved by FEN before the education can take place. Additionally,
you must be capable of obtaining and assembling equipment on your own
(Suicide is not a crime, but assisting a suicide is a crime in most
states). FEN cannot help with any physical acts; only with education.
-Swiss Clinic. There are several Swiss clinics – Pegasos, Dignitas
that accept foreigners. It will cost somewhere around $10,000. You
must apply and submit your medical records. They do accept dementia
patients in the early stages. You must answer questions to determine
you are aware of what you are doing and the consequences.